Grants and Bursaries

Travel Award for International Skills and Knowledge Exchange

These grants are available to support research capacity building in lower-income economy parts of the world (as classified by the World Bank).

The grants will support either a visitor from a lower-income economy country to a host laboratory in a higher-income economy country in order to learn methods. Alternatively, the grants will support a person based in a higher-income economy visiting a lower-income economy country to assist with the set-up of research.  

What will the grant cover? 

  • Up to £2,000 is available per grant. However applications are invited for smaller amounts of funding.  
  • The Travel Award for International Skills and Knowledge Exchange should last between two and four weeks.  
  • This grant is intended to cover reasonable travel, accommodation, and subsistence costs during your visit.  

Next deadline

1 July 2025 for visits after 1 August

To be eligible to apply: 

  • Applicants must be a current Postgraduate, Early Career, Full, or Emeritus member. 
  • Either the applicant or the person hosting the Travel Award for International Skills and Knowledge Exchange must have been a member of the Biochemical Society for over 12 months on the closing date of the round that they apply to. 
  • The member applying for the grant must not have received a Travel Award for International Skills and Knowledge Exchange or a General Travel Grant from the Biochemical Society within the previous two years on the closing date of the round that they apply to. 
  • There must be an element of teaching during the Travel Award for International Skills and Knowledge Exchange, for example, giving research seminars. Successful applicants will show detailed plans for the dissemination of the knowledge transferred, detailing how the knowledge will be transferred beyond the fellow or host lab to improve research in the lower-income economy country.   
  • The grant is not intended to support collaborative visits. 

Applications are assessed according to three main criteria:

1. Benefit that the exchange will have on the applicant’s career or research

  • What specific training will be undertaken or carried out during your visit?
  • What skills or knowledge will you develop or teach?
  • What impact will this visit have on your current research and/or career?
  • Have you encountered any barriers that this training will overcome?
  • What problem or issue will this teaching aim to solve?

2. Financial need for support

  • A clear and detailed breakdown of costs should be included.
  • Do you have any provisions for travel in your research grant or PhD programme?
  • Why are you requesting funds from the Society and why this particular level of support?
  • Applicants are encouraged to apply for other funding to help attend the lab visit and provide details of this.

3. Teaching and dissemination of knowledge

  • Detailed plans for the dissemination of the knowledge transferred.
  • How will the knowledge or skills be transferred beyond the fellow or host lab to improve research in the lower-income economy country?
  • Examples of knowledge transfer e.g., research seminar, workshops, creation of resources or training.
  • Indication of the scope e.g., How many people will benefit? What research or experiments can be carried out as a result? What skills will be developed?

Applications are considered three times a year, the deadlines for which are: 

  • 1 February for visits after 1 March 
  • 1 July for visits after 1 August 
  • 1 November for visits after 1 December 

Due to the weekend, applications will be accepted to the following Monday (3rd) for the February and November round.

Please note we aim to send round the outcome of applications three to four weeks after the deadline of the round that has been applied to.

Colyn Crane-Robinson and Nelly Sapojnikova

Hear from a member

We supported Colyn Crane-Robinson and Nelly Sapojnikova's collaborative visit for their project 'Gaining experience in genomics to study heavy metal tolerance in bacteria' 

Read their report

Hear from a Grants Committee member

Members of our Grants Committee took part in a Biochemistry Focus webinar titled 'How to apply for Biochemical Society grants'.

Hear from Professor Joanna Kargul, who discusses what to include in a Travel Award for International Skills and Knowledge Exchange application.

Contact us

For further information please get in touch with the Grants department.


Related grants

Please find other related funding opportunities below.