Our Local Ambassadors
69 members

LA Representative Trustee / Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Susan Campbell
Aberystwyth University / Aberystwyth, UK
David Whitworth
Anglia Ruskin University / Cambridge, UK
Richard Jones
Aston University / Birmingham, UK
Alan Goddard
Aston University / Birmingham, UK
Roslyn Bill
Cardiff University / Cardiff, UK
Vikesh Chhabria
Coventry University / Coventry, UK
Sharon Mendel Williams
Dublin City University / Dublin, Ireland
Konstantinos Gkrintzalis
Edinburgh Napier University / Edinburgh, UK
Fiona Kerr
Glasgow Caledonian University / Glasgow, UK
Liam Butler
Imperial College London / London, UK
Konstantinos Beis
Institute of Cancer Research / London, UK
George Poulogiannis
John Innes Centre / Norwich, UK
Jacob Pullin
Keele University / Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK
Sheila Hope
King's College London / London, UK
Kim Jonas
King's College London / London, UK
Maddy Parsons
Kingston University / Kingston-on-Thames, UK
Nigel Page
Lancaster University / Lancaster, UK
Alexandre Benedetto
Liverpool John Moores University / Liverpool
Andrew Powell
London Metropolitan University / London, UK
Roberta Cordeiro
London School of Hygeine and Tropical Medicine / London, UK
Nicholas Furnham
Manchester Metropolitan University / Manchester, UK
Chris Murgatroyd
Newcastle University / Bristol, UK
Paul Race
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland / Dublin, Ireland
Marian Brennan
Royal Holloway University / London, UK
Chris Wilkinson
Royal Veterinary College / UK
Ashton Faulkner
Royal Veterinary College / London, UK
Michelangelo Campanella
Swansea University / Swansea, UK
Paula Row
Trinity College Dublin / Dublin, Ireland
Kenneth Hun Mok
Ulster University / Ulster, UK
Paul Thompson
University College Cork / Ireland
Eoin Fleming
University College Dublin / Dublin, Ireland
Jana Haase
University College Dublin / Dublin, Ireland
Jens Rauch
University College London / London, UK
Mona Bajaj-Elliott
University of Bedfordshire / Luton, UK
Lindsay McDermott
University of Bath / Bath, UK
Julien Licchesi
University of Birmingham / Birmingham, UK
Steve Minchin
University of Bradford / Bradford, UK
Talat Nasim
University of Brighton / Brighton, UK
Nigel Brissett
University of Bristol / Bristol, UK
Mirella Vivoli Vega
University of Dundee / Dundee, UK
Gopal Sapkota
University of East Anglia / Norwich, UK
Andrew Gates
University of Edinburgh / Edinburgh, UK
Matthew Brook
University of Essex / Colchester, UK
Jonathan Worrall
University of Glasgow / Glasgow, UK
Tom Van Agtmael
University of Hertfordshire / Hertfordshire, UK
Pryank Patel
University of Huddersfield / Huddersfield, UK
Kirsty McLean
University of Kent / Canterbury, UK
Mark Shepherd
University of Leicester / Leicester, UK
Pietro Roversi
University of Limerick / Limerick, Ireland
Kieran McGourty
University of Lincoln / Lincoln, UK
Mark Odell
University of Liverpool / Liverpool, UK
Elliott Stollar
University of Manchester / University of Manchester
Martin Pool
University of Oxford / Oxford, UK
Dominika Gruszka
University of Oxford / Oxford, UK
Thomas Nicol
University of Oxford / Oxford, UK
Sara Falcone
University of Oxford / Oxford, UK
Mark Roberts
University of Portsmouth / Portsmouth, UK
Robert Baldock
University of Portsmouth / Portsmouth, UK
Alessandro Siani
University of Reading / Reading, UK
Michael Fry
University of Salford / Oxford, UK
David Pye
University of Sheffiled / Sheffield, UK
John Rafferty
University of St Andrews / St Andrews, UK
Jacqueline Nairn
University of Strathclyde / Strathclyde, UK
Benjamin Pickard
University of Sunderland / Sunderland, UK
Mark Carlile
University of Warwick / Warwick, UK
Elizabeth Fullam
University of the West of England / UK
Helen Quasnichka
University of Westminster / London, UK
Sarah K Coleman
University of York / York, UK