
Our Local Ambassadors

Local Ambassadors are the first point of contact for the Society at their institution or organisation. They encourage new membership, serve as a conduit for the transfer of ideas between local molecular bioscientists and the Society, and help to organise local events such as student receptions and sponsored seminars.

Our Local Ambassadors

71 members

Image of Susan Campbell
LA Representative Trustee / Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Susan Campbell
Aberystwyth University / Aberystwyth, UK
David Whitworth
Anglia Ruskin University / Cambridge, UK
Richard Jones
Aston University / Birmingham, UK
Alan Goddard
Aston University / Birmingham, UK
Roslyn Bill
Cardiff University / Cardiff, UK
Vikesh Chhabria
Coventry University / Coventry, UK
Sharon Mendel Williams
De Montfort University / Leicester, UK
Parvez Haris
Dublin City University / Dublin, Ireland
Konstantinos Gkrintzalis
Edinburgh Napier University / Edinburgh, UK
Fiona Kerr
Glasgow Caledonian University / Glasgow, UK
Liam Butler
Imperial College London / London, UK
Konstantinos Beis
Institute of Cancer Research / London, UK
George Poulogiannis
John Innes Centre / Norwich, UK
Jacob Pullin
Keele University / Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK
Sheila Hope
King's College London / London, UK
Kim Jonas
King's College London / London, UK
Maddy Parsons
Kingston University / Kingston-on-Thames, UK
Nigel Page
Lancaster University / Lancaster, UK
Alexandre Benedetto
Liverpool John Moores University / Liverpool
Andrew Powell
London Metropolitan University / London, UK
Roberta Cordeiro
London School of Hygeine and Tropical Medicine / London, UK
Nicholas Furnham
Manchester Metropolitan University / Manchester, UK
Chris Murgatroyd
Newcastle University / Bristol, UK
Paul Race
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland / Dublin, Ireland
Marian Brennan
Royal Holloway University / London, UK
Chris Wilkinson
Royal Veterinary College / UK
Ashton Faulkner
Royal Veterinary College / London, UK
Michelangelo Campanella
Swansea University / Swansea, UK
Paula Row
Trinity College Dublin / Dublin, Ireland
Kenneth Hun Mok
Ulster University / Ulster, UK
Paul Thompson
University College Cork / Ireland
Eoin Fleming
University College Dublin / Dublin, Ireland
Jana Haase
University College Dublin / Dublin, Ireland
Jens Rauch
University of Bedfordshire / Luton, UK
Lindsay McDermott
University College London / London, UK
Mona Bajaj-Elliott
University of Bath / Bath, UK
Julien Licchesi
University of Birmingham / Birmingham, UK
Steve Minchin
University of Bradford / Bradford, UK
Talat Nasim
University of Brighton / Brighton, UK
Nigel Brissett
University of Bristol / Bristol, UK
Mirella Vivoli Vega
University of Dundee / Dundee, UK
Gopal Sapkota
University of East Anglia / Norwich, UK
Andrew Gates
University of Edinburgh / Edinburgh, UK
Matthew Brook
University of Essex / Colchester, UK
Jonathan Worrall
University of Glasgow / Glasgow, UK
Tom Van Agtmael
University of Hertfordshire / Hertfordshire, UK
Pryank Patel
University of Huddersfield / Huddersfield, UK
Kirsty McLean
University of Hull / Hull, UK
Gill Durham
University of Kent / Canterbury, UK
Mark Shepherd
University of Leicester / Leicester, UK
Pietro Roversi
University of Limerick / Limerick, Ireland
Kieran McGourty
University of Lincoln / Lincoln, UK
Mark Odell
University of Liverpool / Liverpool, UK
Elliott Stollar
University of Manchester / University of Manchester
Martin Pool
University of Oxford / Oxford, UK
Dominika Gruszka
University of Oxford / Oxford, UK
Thomas Nicol
University of Oxford / Oxford, UK
Sara Falcone
University of Oxford / Oxford, UK
Mark Roberts
University of Portsmouth / Portsmouth, UK
Robert Baldock
University of Portsmouth / Portsmouth, UK
Alessandro Siani
University of Reading / Reading, UK
Michael Fry
University of Salford / Oxford, UK
David Pye
University of Sheffiled / Sheffield, UK
John Rafferty
University of St Andrews / St Andrews, UK
Jacqueline Nairn
University of Strathclyde / Strathclyde, UK
Benjamin Pickard
University of Sunderland / Sunderland, UK
Mark Carlile
University of Warwick / Warwick, UK
Elizabeth Fullam
University of the West of England / UK
Helen Quasnichka
University of Westminster / London, UK
Sarah K Coleman
University of York / York, UK
Emily Flack