Biochemical Society Archive
The Biochemical Society was founded in 1911 and our extensive archive contains records dating back to this time. Included is an audio-visual collection of interviews with eminent biochemists and the complete laboratory notebooks of the double-Nobel Laureate Fred Sanger.
A large proportion of our archive is housed and managed by the Wellcome Library in London. Artefacts, chemicals and scientific instruments also form part of the Biochemical Society Collection, which is housed at the Science Museum in South Kensington, London.

The following three publications provide a fascinating account of this history of the Society, since its formation in 1911.
Honorary Archivist
Our Honorary Archivist is David Hornby who has been in the position since July 2022.
Video collection
The Biochemical Society’s video collection charts the development of the molecular biosciences in the 20th century through extended interviews with some of its most celebrated scientists. Their work has contributed immensely to the development of the subject.
There are 34 colour films, totalling around 80 hours of material. The videos are hosted on Alexander Street, who have partnered with Jisc to publish the collection and make it available to institutions in the UK.
If your institution is subscribed to the collection, you will have full access to the videos here.
If your institution is not subscribed to the collection, you will be able to view a short preview here and your institution should contact PQ-salesdevelopment@clarivate.com if they are interested in subscribing to the full collection. Institutions can also sign up to a 30-day free trial.